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3 mins

Is ransomware the greatest highway robber of the 21st century?

The days of a Dick Turpin type of character pulling you over on the side of the road and...
Canadian flag with computer code.
3 mins

Breaking borders: Canadian spy agency tracks users worldwide

They're friendly; courteous. Love hockey, maple syrup, and poutine. Are unfailingly polite, eh, and while willing to stand up...
North Korean flag with binary code overlay.
2 mins

NSA tapping into North Korea

The National Security Agency had been tapping into North Korea's networks for many years, even prior to the Sony hacks.
4 mins

The KooZoo camera app: It’s a jungle out there

KooZoo is an app that allows you to turn your own smartphone into a secret recording device. This has caused some concerns over privacy.
3 mins

No Wi-Fi, no problem: Hackers go low-tech to steal your data

This article was originally published on January 22, 2015. The risks of using an unprotected, unencrypted Wi-Fi network are well-documented....
Vector hand holding smartphone.
3 mins

“Bring your own device” to work: Is it worth it?

BYOD comes with numerous privacy risks.
2 mins

Internet Systems Consortium site hacked

This week the Internet Systems Consortium ( was hacked and visitors were redirected to a site distributing harmful malware.
Fake download for The Interview movie.
3 mins

Want to watch “The Interview”? Watch out!

By all accounts, “The Interview” isn't that great a film. Rotten Tomatoes has just 61 percent of moviegoers and...
Illustration of broken padlock with a dead face.
3 mins

Top 10 security breaches of 2014

That's right folks, it's time. Time for a roundup of the year's worst IT security breaches and how they've...
4 mins

Encrypted chat apps: Give ’em nothing to talk about

Older unencrypted messaging apps are vulnerable to spying. Apps like Chadder and Telegram can protect your communications.

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