Jessica Bernard

22 Posts
655 Claps
IP address from email
3 mins

Can you find an IP address from an email?

Could someone get your IP address from an email you’ve sent them? Find out whether your privacy is at risk and how to protect yourself.
A hand holding a mask.
2 mins

What is a replay attack? (And how to prevent them)

A replay attack is a relatively common way to hack an account. Find out what it is and how it works.
digital citizenship global passport
6 mins

Are you a good digital citizen?

What does it take to be a good digital citizen, and why is it important? Here are some tips on how to get an A+ in digital citizenship.
kids video games cute icons
9 mins

Quick guide to 10 popular kids’ video games

Ever wondered what Roblox, Fortnite, and Minecraft are all about? Are they safe, and do they cost money? Our guide will help you figure it out.
startup movies and tv shows
9 mins

20 best Silicon Valley startup movies and TV shows to stream

Our favorite shows and movies about tech companies, covering everything from groundbreaking successes to scandals.
movie reel with a festive bow
1 min

Flowchart: Which Christmas movie should you stream?

Can't decide which holiday movie to watch? Use our flowchart and start streaming!
unlocking a device using fingerprint biometrics
7 mins

What are biometrics? Is my identity at risk?

Biometric data can be anything from your typing speed to the way you walk. But how does it work, and what are the risks?
internet surveillance by five eyes countries
5 mins

Internet surveillance in 5, 9, and 14 eyes countries

Find out what countries in the secretive Five Eyes alliance share with each other.

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